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  • Coating, coating equipment, and the relations between and among film quality
  • 2016-03-11 15:01:33

  • QiChang production of coating is the coating materials, coating performance, finally is embodied by coating, coating of value and quality can only be finally after coating construction. The stand or fall of coating performance depends not only on the quality of the coating itself, and to form the whole process of coating technology (including finishing construction technology, equipment and work environment) have a great relationship. Therefore, the correct choice and paint coating that can meet the needs of the construction technology is the necessary condition to give full play to the coating performance, only to paint and coating organically unifies in together, can obtain good effect.

    Furniture quality and value of the design, material selection, machining technology, coating and painting work and so on various aspects factors, due to the growing lack of wood resources, material and machining control product quality more and more difficult, so the development and application of different kinds of wood, color adjustment, substandard materials used for finishing the main art design and construction of great difficulty, to get a good coating quality, in addition to wood properties and furniture coatings have a deep understanding, to fill the hole agent and its timber wood stain, coloring, filling technology and all kinds of finishing process design should be detailed research.

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