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  • Metal coating on the coating process of innovation
  • 2016-03-11 15:12:37

    Corrosion phenomena happened in our around refers to all kinds of materials under the action of environment (chemical, electrochemical and comprehensive effects of some physical factors damage, degradation of performance or condition. And the spray coating on metal surface is an important metal anticorrosion means. Good paint coating layer to keep continuous intact, combined with the good, can become a barrier inhibiting corrosion media intrusion. But due to the spontaneous process corrosion is irreversible, even the quality of paint coating layer, also hard to protect the metal corrosion, especially when combined with poor metal surface spray coating layer, damaged, or have pinhole, bubbling, defects such as cracks, fall off, spray paint coating protection will be greatly decreased, and even cause the consequences of metal corrosion intensifies. So the paint coating of metal corrosion factors are careful analysis, and take effective countermeasures to prevent is very necessary.

    Spray paint coating metal corrosion mechanism

    Generally speaking, the corrosion of metals is the result of joint action of many factors, of which some factors plays an important role in the process of corrosion. Metal surface spray coating layer formation, the metal corrosion occurred in the region is in the region of the coating on the surface of the paint film and metal interface, and constantly expand deep corrosion to metal substrate.

    If a metal surface spray coating layer can effectively isolate water, oxygen and electronics, stray ion penetration, can greatly reduce or avoid coating of metal corrosion, if isolation effect is not good, the anti-corrosion coating keep layer on metal corrosion protection is bad. Production practice shows that the paint coating protective layer of water permeability of severe obstruction of metal spray paint coating surface adhesion, and oxygen permeability is largely prevent metal corrosion. Spray coating of metal corrosion form varied, but the root cause, corrosion, happens and the chemical and electrochemical effects have close relationship.

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