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  • The right operation method of vacuum drying oven
  • 2016-03-11 15:14:29

    Vacuum drying oven operation method:

    1, items placed in a vacuum drying oven drying processes, will shut the door, and close the purge valve, vacuum valve open, turn on the vacuum pump power began to smoke gas, make the vacuum degree in the oven reaches 0.1 M Pa, close vacuum valve, then close vacuum pump power.

    2, the vacuum drying oven power switch to "on", select the desired set temperature, the temperature in the cabinet began to rise, when the temperature in the cabinet near the set temperature, the heating on and off lights out, repeatedly, generally within 120 min can enter a state of constant temperature.

    3, when the required operating temperature is low, can adopt the second set methods, such as the required temperature 60 ℃, 50 ℃ can be set for the first time, isothermal after a blunt retreated to the second set of 60 ℃. This can reduce or even eliminate temperature overshoot phenomenon, entered into a state of constant temperature as soon as possible.

    4, moist degree according to different items, choose different drying time, such as the drying time is longer, vacuum degree decline, should I restore vacuum extraction, should first open the vacuum pump power, and open the vacuum valve.

    5, should be shut down after the drying oven power supply, open the vent valve, remove the vacuum in the cabinet, the door is opened again to take out the items. (remove after vacuum, such as sealing and glass door tight absorption deformation is not easy to the door is opened, immediately after a period of time, such as sealing ring after restoring prototype, convenient to open the door.)

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